Here are some of Stelar's key features that facilitate investment planning, whether in the field or in the office, in an industrial setting.
In order to apply asset management best practices, it is essential to have information on the cost of replacing assets. In this context, the replacement cost and the residual lifespan placed in their strategic and decision-making context are essential calculation elements to optimize investment planning.
Interventions govern all events that occur in the life of an asset. An intervention is an object that is always associated with an asset that contains data relating to its type, condition, or operational status. All interventions are dated and therefore referred to time. All asset-related interventions form a history through which Stelar can learn to predict events, and their costs.
A project includes all the recommended interventions associated with an asset, type of intervention or type of assets of an organization. It has a name, a cost and a priority. This is a high-level vision of the work linked to a range of recommended interventions. The project can be mobile over time, in order to manage projects and optimize budgets.
The investment plan makes it easier to manage the projects in your asset portfolio. It allows organizations to plan, approve, and track the entire CAPEX and OPEX investment process. It offers the opportunity to prioritize your integrity-related projects within the project portfolio based on the benefits and performance indicators targeted.
Each project is quantified as the sum of the costs associated with the recommended interventions that constitute it and can be reevaluated using an additional cost adjustment feature (contingency, engineering, labor, labor, indirect costs, indirect costs, supplies, equipment).
The investment plan is drawn up using the dashboard, which shows all the projects planned over time. By using the various filters it becomes possible to understand from an overview the elements specific to certain locations, certain assets, etc.